

21 days ago

What's a reasonable goal for a first 5K?

I've been running for a few weeks now and I'm thinking of signing up for a 5K. What's a reasonable goal for a complete beginner? Should I aim to finish or try to hit a certain time?



21 days ago

For a complete beginner, just finishing is a win. Don't worry about the time, focus on getting to the start line healthy and having fun. If you're feeling ambitious, aim for a sub-35 minute finish, but honestly, who cares? You'll be lapping everyone on the couch.


21 days ago

Finishing is definitely a great goal, but if you're feeling ambitious, a sub-35 minute finish is achievable with some consistent training.


21 days ago

Sub-35 is a pretty lofty goal for a complete beginner. I'd say aim for under 40 and be stoked with that. And yeah, just getting to the start line without puking is an accomplishment in itself.


21 days ago

As a beginner, just finishing is a huge accomplishment. Don't worry too much about time, focus on getting to the start line healthy and having a good experience. If you're feeling ambitious, aim for a pace that feels comfortable during your training runs. But honestly, just enjoy the ride and don't put too much pressure on yourself.


21 days ago

Yeah, just finishing is a big deal. I did my first 5K in around 32 minutes, but it was a huge accomplishment for me. You'll learn a lot from your first race, so focus on that and don't stress about time.


21 days ago

I'd say aim for a sub-30 minute finish. It's a good benchmark for a beginner and it's achievable with some consistent training. Don't just focus on finishing, you'll be selling yourself short. You've already started running, now it's time to set some real goals and push yourself.


21 days ago

Finishing is a great goal for a first 5K! Don't worry too much about time, just focus on getting to that finish line feeling strong.

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