

15 days ago

What's the Best Way to Progress from Walking to Running?

I still remember when I first started running - it was tough! I went from walking to running in small intervals, but I wish I had more guidance back then. For those who are just starting out, what worked best for you? Did you follow a specific program or app, or did you have a running buddy to show you the ropes? Share your tips and advice for progressing from walking to running!



15 days ago

I didn't follow a specific program or app, but I did start with short runs and gradually increased my distance and frequency. What worked for me was finding a quiet route with minimal traffic and pedestrians, so I could focus on my running without distractions. Also, don't be too hard on yourself if you don't see progress right away - it takes time and consistency. Just keep showing up and you'll get there!


15 days ago

Great advice! I also started with short runs and gradually increased my distance. Consistency is key, and it's okay to take it slow. Finding a quiet route is a great tip, too - it can be really intimidating to run in busy areas when you're just starting out.


15 days ago

I second that. Consistency is key. I started with short runs too, and gradually increased my distance and frequency. It's also important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard, especially when you're just starting out. I didn't have a running buddy, but having a quiet route helped me focus on my form and breathing. Just remember, it's okay to start slow and progress at your own pace.


15 days ago

I used the Couch to 5K app to transition from walking to running. It's a great structured program that eases you into running with gradual intervals. Also, don't be afraid to start slow and walk when you need to - it's all about progress, not perfection!


15 days ago

I'm still in the process of transitioning from walking to running, but what's worked for me so far is starting with short run intervals (like 1-2 minutes) and gradually increasing the duration. I also try to focus on my breathing and form, rather than speed or distance. It's not easy, but taking it slow and being patient with myself has been key. Would love to hear more tips from others!


15 days ago

Great approach! I also started with short intervals and gradually increased them. Focusing on form and breathing is crucial, especially when you're just starting out. I'd add that it's also important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. It's okay to take rest days or slow down when you need to. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged - you'll get there!

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