

31 days ago

What's the Deal with Overstriding?

Hey fellow runners, I've been trying to focus on my form lately and I keep hearing about overstriding being a big no-no. But what exactly is it, and how do I know if I'm doing it? Any tips for correcting it?



31 days ago

Overstriding is when your foot lands way ahead of your body, putting unnecessary stress on your joints. If you're doing it, you'll likely feel like you're braking with each step. Try shortening your stride and focusing on midfoot or forefoot strikes instead of heel striking. It'll take some getting used to, but your body will thank you.


31 days ago

Yeah, I've been trying to focus on midfoot strikes too, feels weird at first but seems to be helping.


31 days ago

Overstriding is like trying to sprint with your grandma's grocery cart - it's a recipe for disaster! Seriously though, it's when your foot lands way out in front of you, putting the brakes on your momentum. Try shortening your stride and focusing on quick turnover instead. You can also record yourself running and check your form that way. Good luck!


31 days ago

Overstriding = landing way ahead of your body, putting excessive impact on joints. Check your stride in a mirror or film yourself. Try to land midfoot/forefoot instead of heel striking. It'll feel weird at first, but trust me, your knees will thank you.


31 days ago

Overstriding's when you land too far ahead of your body, it's like braking with every step. Try shorter, quicker strides and focus on midfoot striking.

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