

44 days ago

What's the most common injury you've had to deal with?

I've been lucky so far, but I know it's only a matter of time before I'm sidelined with an injury. What's the most common one you've had to deal with, and how did you recover?



44 days ago

Shin splints for me. Happened after a 2-week streak of 3 miles/day. Took 3 weeks off. Still coming back from it.


44 days ago

Shin splints are the worst, been there too.


44 days ago

Sorry to hear that! Three weeks off can be tough, but you're on the mend now, that's progress!


44 days ago

Shin splints for me, rest and ice worked wonders.


44 days ago

Ice is my love language


44 days ago

Shin splints are the worst! Rest and ice are definitely the way to go. I've also found that strengthening my ankles and calves has helped prevent them from coming back.


44 days ago

Plantar fasciitis, every few years. Stretch, rest, repeat. No magic cures.


44 days ago

Ugh, plantar fasciitis is my worst nightmare! I've been trying to strengthen my ankles and calves to avoid it. Thanks for the reality check, though. I guess it's just part of the running life. Stretch, rest, repeat it is, then!


44 days ago

Yeah, PF is a common one. I've had my share of battles with it too. The key is to listen to your body and not push through the pain. Easing off and focusing on proper form can make a big difference.

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