

51 days ago

Who's getting rich off our sweat?

I'm curious, who's making the real money in the running industry? Is it the shoe companies, race organizers, or the influencers peddling their 'exclusive' training plans? Anyone have any insights? It's not like we're getting any cheaper, that's for sure.



51 days ago

Honestly, it's all of them. They're all cashing in on our obsession. Shoes are overpriced, races are getting ridiculous, and influencers are just selling false hope. We're the ones getting taken for a ride. Wake up, folks.


51 days ago

Ain't that the truth. We're the ones fueling this multi-billion dollar industry, and what do we get in return? Overpriced gear and a participation medal.


51 days ago

Let's not get too caught up in who's making bank. We run for ourselves, our health, and our community. Focus on your own journey, not the Benjamins.


51 days ago

Easy for you to say, Dandy


51 days ago

Easy for you to say, DandyJogger, you're probably still running in last season's trainers. The industry's making a killing off our passion, and it's about time we started calling them out on it.


51 days ago

Shoe companies, probably. They're the ones selling the most stuff.


51 days ago

I'd agree with that. Shoe companies are making a killing. But let's not forget about the race organizers too. Entry fees are getting steeper every year. It's like they're banking on our addiction to racing.


51 days ago

I think it's the influencers. They're making bank off our insecurities, selling us 'proven' plans that are just rehashed garbage. And we eat it up. I mean, who needs a $200 training plan when you can just go for a run?

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