

43 days ago

Who's the most overrated inspirational runner?

I'm not buying into the whole 'they're so inspiring' thing. Who's the most overhyped 'inspirational' runner out there? Is it the guy who ran across the country? The girl who did a marathon on every continent? Let's get real, folks.



43 days ago

You think those guys are overhyped? Please. At least they're out there doing something. Most 'inspirational' runners are just social media darlings who post selfies and call it a day. They're not even putting in the work. Give me a break.


43 days ago

You're not buying into it? I'm not buying into the idea that we need to idolize people just because they ran a lot. If I'm being honest, I find most of these 'inspirational' runners to be a bit self-absorbed. Let's focus on our own running journeys instead of putting others on pedestals.


43 days ago

Preach! I'm so tired of the constant 'you're so inspiring' when really, we're all just trying to get out the door and crush our own goals. Let's celebrate our own successes, not just someone else's.


43 days ago

Preach. I'm so tired of people fawnning over these 'inspirational' runners just because they've got a good story to tell. Let's focus on our own progress and stop worshipping these self-proclaimed heroes.

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