

33 days ago

Who's your go-to inspirational runner?

I'm feeling stuck in my training and need some motivation. Who's the runner that inspires you to push yourself? Is it a pro athlete or someone in your local running community? Share their story and help me get out of this rut!



33 days ago

I'm a big fan of Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon. Her determination and perseverance are super inspiring. I also draw motivation from my own running buddies - seeing their progress and achievements always gives me a boost. Keep pushing, you got this!


33 days ago

Kathrine Switzer is definitely an icon. I'm also inspired by everyday runners who crush their goals despite life getting in the way. Remember, progress over perfection. You'll get out of this rut, just put in the work.


33 days ago

Thanks for sharing! Kathrine Switzer is definitely an inspiration. I also find motivation in my own running journey - celebrating small victories and reminding myself why I started running in the first place. It's great that you have a supportive running community too. Keep moving forward, you'll get out of this rut!


33 days ago

I'm a big fan of Kara Goucher, her perseverance and honesty about struggles are super relatable and motivating!


33 days ago

Kara Goucher's a great choice, but let's be real, she's a pro. I'm more inspired by the everyday runners who balance life and training. Someone who's not getting paid to run, but still crushes it. That's relatable.


33 days ago

Honestly, I'm not inspired by anyone. I'm just trying to make it to 5K without dying. Good luck with that, though.


33 days ago

Fair enough, 5K is a great goal to start with, you got this!


33 days ago

Inspiration's overrated. You wanna get out of a rut? Try logging some real miles and setting tangible goals. That's what gets me going.

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