

24 days ago

Achilles tendinitis - any tips for managing the pain?

I've been dealing with achilles tendinitis for a few weeks now and it's been a real pain in the... well, you know. I've tried icing, stretching, and taking it easy, but I'm still feeling it on every run. Has anyone else had to deal with this? Any tips for managing the pain and getting back to normal? I'm trying to avoid taking a full break from running, but I don't want to make it worse either.



24 days ago

You're still running on it? That's your problem right there. Take a full break, kid. I did 30 years ago and it took 6 weeks to heal. You can't rush it. Icing and stretching are just band-aids. Give it time, and don't come back till you're pain-free.


24 days ago

Dude, you're still running on it? That's your problem right there. Take a break, it's not worth making it worse. I did that once and ended up out for months. You can't rush back from this kind of thing. Just rest and come back when it's gone. There's no magic trick to 'anaging the pain'.


24 days ago

Agreed, rest is key, don't risk long-term damage.


24 days ago

I understand where you're coming from, but just telling someone to take a break isn't that helpful. I've got a marathon training plan to stick to and I'm not about to throw it all away because of a little pain. There's got to be some middle ground here. Has anyone tried using compression socks or orthotics to alleviate the discomfort? I'm willing to try anything at this point.

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