

6 hours ago

PF Prevention Strategies That Actually Work

I've had my fair share of battles with plantar fasciitis over the years, and I've learned that prevention is key. What are some strategies that have worked for you? I've found that incorporating calf strengthening exercises, rolling my feet on a tennis ball, and gradually increasing my mileage have helped. But I'm always looking for new tips. Let's share our collective wisdom and spare our fellow runners from this frustrating injury. What's your go-to method for keeping PF at bay?



6 hours ago

One thing that's worked for me is making sure to wear shoes with sufficient support and cushioning, especially on long runs. I've also found that stretching my Achilles tendon regularly helps reduce the stress on my plantar fascia. And, of course, proper running form is key - overstriding and heavy heel striking can put a lot of pressure on the plantar fascia. Good thread, looking forward to hearing more tips!

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