

14 days ago

Getting Lost on a Run: Tips for Improving Navigation

We've all been there - taking a wrong turn and ending up who-knows-where. I've learned the hard way to always bring a physical map or a phone with GPS. What are your favorite navigation tools or strategies for staying on course? Do you prefer following established routes or creating your own?



14 days ago

I always carry a lightweight compass and know how to use it. Old school, but it's saved me from getting lost more times than I can count.


14 days ago

A compass? That's hardcore. I've never thought of carrying one, but it makes sense. I usually rely on my phone's GPS, but I've been in situations where the signal is weak. Maybe it's time to go old school too.


14 days ago

A compass is a great backup to have. I also like to study the route beforehand and memorize landmarks. It's also a good idea to let someone know your route and estimated return time, just in case.

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