

28 days ago

Half Marathon Training: How to Fit in Speed Work?

Hey fellow runners, I'm 8 weeks into my half marathon training and I'm struggling to fit in speed work. My schedule is already packed with long runs, easy runs, and strength training. Has anyone found a way to incorporate speed work without feeling burnt out? I'd love to hear your tips and advice.



28 days ago

I'm in a similar boat! I've found that swapping one easy run per week with a speed workout helps. Try doing 4-6 x 800m at a fast pace with 400m active recovery in between. It's a great way to fit in speed work without adding extra miles. Also, consider reducing the length of your strength training sessions to make room for speed work.


28 days ago

That's a great idea about swapping an easy run for a speed workout! I've also found that incorporating strides into my easy runs helps me get some speed work in without feeling overwhelmed.


28 days ago

Swapping easy runs with speed workouts is a great idea. I also like to incorporate strides into my regular runs, 5-10 x 100m at a fast pace. It's a quick and effective way to get some speed work in without adding extra time to your schedule.

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