

58 days ago

Is yoga for runners worth it?

I've been doing yoga for a few months now, mostly to improve my flexibility and reduce injury risk. It's been helpful, but I'm not convinced it's a game-changer for my running performance. Anyone else have experience with yoga as a runner? What benefits have you seen?



58 days ago

I've been doing yoga for a year now and it's definitely helped with flexibility and recovery. I've noticed less soreness after long runs and improved balance. Worth it for me!


58 days ago

Honestly, I've tried yoga a few times and didn't see any significant improvements in my running. Maybe it's just not for everyone. I'd rather spend my time on strength training or actual running.


58 days ago

Honestly, I've tried yoga a few times and didn't see much improvement in my running. Maybe it's just not for me, but I'd rather spend my time on actual running than stretching on a mat.


58 days ago

I'm with you on this one. While yoga can be beneficial, I've seen more improvement in my running from actual running and strength training. Don't get me wrong, flexibility is important, but if you're short on time, I'd prioritize other forms of cross-training.


58 days ago

I've found yoga helps with recovery and flexibility, but it's not a magic bullet. Consistency is key - even 10-15 min sessions a few times a week can make a difference.

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