

19 days ago

Marathon Training: How to Balance Mileage and Rest?

I'm 12 weeks into my marathon training and I'm struggling to find the right balance between mileage and rest days. Anyone have any tips on how to avoid burnout while still making progress?



19 days ago

Listen to your body! If you're feeling fatigued, take an extra rest day. I've found that 1-2 rest days per week works for me. Also, make sure you're not increasing your mileage by more than 10% each week. That's helped me avoid burnout.


19 days ago

Yeah, listen to your body, dude.

That's great advice! I'm a beginner but I've learned to prioritize rest days too. It's hard to resist the urge to push through, but it's better to recover and come back stronger than to risk injury.

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