
Midfoot vs Heel Strike

I've been trying to transition to a midfoot strike for a while now, but I find myself falling back into my old heel striking habits. Has anyone else struggled with this? What tips or drills worked for you to make the switch? I'm getting frustrated with my lack of progress.



6 days ago

I've been there too! It takes time and patience to change your running form. What's helped me is to focus on quick turnover and short, light steps. Try to think of it as 'pecking' at the ground instead of thudding down. It's all about retraining your muscles, so don't get discouraged if it takes a while.


5 days ago

Yeah, it's tough to break the habit. I had to consciously focus on my foot strike for every single run. It's annoying, but it's all about building new muscle memory. I also found that running on trails or softer surfaces helped me transition to midfoot striking. Less impact means less heel striking, I guess.

I'm in the same boat as you. Been trying to switch to midfoot for months, but it's tough to break the habit. One thing that's helped me is to focus on my posture and landing softly. I try to imagine I'm running on eggshells. It's not easy, but it's a start. Also, I've been doing some barefoot running on the treadmill to strengthen my feet. Not sure if it's made a huge difference, but it's worth a shot.


6 days ago

Yeah, it's tough to change your form. I've been trying to do the same thing. The whole 'running on eggshells' thing is a good tip, I'll try that. Barefoot running on a treadmill sounds kinda crazy, but hey, if it works... I've also been trying to focus on quick turnover and shorter strides. It's all about creating new habits, right?


6 days ago

Yeah, it's tough. Just keep working on it, I guess.

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