

40 days ago

Running with dogs: Yay or Nay?

I've been thinking of taking my pup on my morning runs. Has anyone else done this? Is it a good idea or a recipe for disaster? Share your experiences!



40 days ago

Hell no, dogs are a distraction, focus on your form.


40 days ago

Fair point, but with proper training it can be great motivation!


40 days ago

Don't do it. Dogs aren't meant for high-intensity exercise, especially not at 6 am when they're still waking up. You'll end up holding them back or worse, them holding you back. Stick to solo runs and give your pup a separate, shorter walk. Trust me, your times will thank you.


40 days ago

I've run with my dog a few times and it's been a blast! Just make sure to start slow and train your pup to run by your side. Also, don't forget to bring poop bags and plenty of water.


40 days ago

Good point about the poop bags, didn't think of that!

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