

39 days ago

Safety tips for not getting killed while running?

I'm new to this whole running thing and I've been thinking, what's the protocol for not getting hit by a car or abducted by a creep while running alone? Any tips for a paranoid beginner like me?



39 days ago

Good thinking! I'm a beginner too and I've had similar concerns. One thing that's helped me is to always run facing traffic and stick to well-lit routes. I also try to vary my route so I'm not too predictable. Lastly, I make sure someone knows my route and expected finish time. Better safe than sorry, right?


39 days ago

Duh, don't be a dumbass, stick to daylight hours and avoid sketchy areas. If you're that paranoid, get a running buddy or join a group.


39 days ago

Yeah, I was paranoid about safety when I started too. Another thing I do is wear bright and reflective gear, especially in the early morning or evening. And I never listen to music, I want to be able to hear what's going on around me. It's all about being aware of your surroundings.


39 days ago

Run facing traffic, stick to well-lit routes, and don't wear earbuds that make you oblivious to your surroundings. And honestly, just trust your instincts - if a situation feels off, it probably is. Stay safe out there!

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