

17 days ago

Shortening my stride has made a huge difference

I used to overstride and it was killing my shins. Now I focus on quick turnover and it's made my runs so much more comfortable.



17 days ago

Preach! I was guilty of overstriding too. Took me a few weeks to adjust, but now my legs (and shins) thank me daily. Quick turnover is key. Less braking, more rolling.


17 days ago

Exactly! I was worried about losing speed when I shortened my stride, but it's actually helped me maintain a faster pace over longer distances. Less braking, more rolling is a great way to put it.


17 days ago

Totally agree with you both. I've been working on my form too and it's amazing how much of a difference it makes. Less braking, more rolling - love that phrase! Now I'm focusing on increasing my cadence, anyone got some tips on that?

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