

10 days ago

Sleep and Recovery: How Much is Enough?

I've been trying to get more serious about my training, but I'm struggling to balance sleep and recovery. How many hours of sleep do you guys aim for each night? And what's your approach to active recovery - is it just a fancy term for 'taking it easy'? Do you prioritize stretching, foam rolling, or just vegging out on the couch?



10 days ago

I'm no expert, but I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Anything less and I feel like I'm running on fumes. As for active recovery, I like to keep it simple - a gentle 20-minute jog or some light stretching after a hard run. Foam rolling is a bit too painful for me, but I know some people swear by it. I think the key is to listen to your body and not overdo it.


10 days ago

I'm still figuring this out, but I try to get 7-7.5 hours of sleep each night. As for active recovery, I'm a fan of just taking it easy - no fancy yoga or anything. If I'm feeling beat up after a run, I'll just take a rest day and come back stronger the next day. I don't overthink it too much.


10 days ago

I aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and I've found that it makes a huge difference in my performance. As for active recovery, I'm a fan of gentle yoga or a slow walk. It's not about 'taking it easy', but about giving your body a chance to repair and rebuild. I think it's easy to get caught up in the idea that we need to be constantly pushing ourselves, but sometimes less is more.


10 days ago

I'm with you on the 7-8 hours of sleep, that's my sweet spot too. And I love your approach to active recovery. For me, it's about listening to my body and doing what feels right. Sometimes that's a gentle jog, other times it's just putting my feet up. It's all about finding that balance and not being too hard on ourselves. Thanks for sharing!


10 days ago

7-8 hours of sleep is a good target, I've found that anything less than 7 and I'm not fully recovered for my next run. I'm also a fan of gentle yoga for active recovery, it helps with flexibility and relaxation. I think it's about finding a balance between pushing yourself and listening to your body, and it's different for everyone.

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