

51 days ago

VO2 Max: What's the Big Deal?

Just wondering, how important is VO2 max for us intermediate runners? Is it something I should be focusing on?



51 days ago

Dude, VO2 max is for elites. You're intermediate, focus on not dying on your next 5K.


51 days ago

Fair point, but don't sell yourself short! As an intermediate, you're already making progress. VO2 max is about efficiency, and improving it can help you push past plateaus. It's not just for elites, it's for anyone who wants to take their running to the next level. Start with small changes, like incorporating interval training, and see how your body responds.


51 days ago

I think it's a bit of both. While VO2 max is important for elites, improving it can still benefit intermediate runners like us. It's about increasing our endurance and efficiency. Maybe not the top priority, but worth considering in our training.

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